

Specialized medical care, any day, anytime and anywhere, available to formulate the best treatment plan in nutrition, mental health and physiotherapy specialties.



  • Registered nutritionist.
  • Helps keep your diet healthy.
  • Advice on correct nutrition.
  • Guidelines on diet for hypertension, diabetes, PCOS, prenatal/postnatal nutrition etc.)
  • Nutrition Guides.
  • Customized feeding plan.
  • Shopping guide.
  • Suggestion of supplements, etc.
Sign Up

Mental Health

  • Mind health experts.
  • Short, medium and long term treatment.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, relationship conflict, no desire to get out of bed or afraid to leave the house, whatever the reason, you have an expert to take care of you specifically.
  • Evaluation and review of mental health.
  • Therapeutic care.
Sign Up


  • Highly experienced experts to develop a customized rehabilitation program for you.
  • Care so that your recovery is possible with better time and quality. Sports or day-to-day activities.
  • Care at any stage of your physiotherapy process.
  • Online service and application in the comfort of your home.
Sign Up

Talk to the Experts

  • Mind health experts.
  • Short, medium and long term treatment.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, relationship conflict, no desire to get out of bed or afraid to leave the house, whatever the reason, you have an expert to take care of you specifically.
  • Evaluation and review of mental health.
  • Therapeutic care.
Sign Up

Important Notes


  • 1The platform is extremely secure and your data is treated confidentially through the use of the LGPD. (General Data Protection Act). In addition, our work is approved and regular with the advice of each specialty.
  • 2Doctala is not responsible for the amounts charged for the consultation, each professional determines their values.
  • 3The appointment and payment must be made by credit card or bank slip, within the Doctala platform. No extra charges will be made from any professional during consultations.
  • 4The medical care of psychologists, nutritionists and physiotherapeutics do not prescribe medications and do not request tests.
  • 5We do not currently attend to any covenants. However, you can request a refund and consult your health insurance contract, many of which allow reimbursement of certain amounts.
  • 6
    Consultations cannot be recorded in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (LGPD).
lives served
Appointments per month
Registered Professionals

How It Works

We are Building Sustainable Future.


Find a Specialist

You select the specialty you want to be attended to. Define the best day and time for consultation, according to your availability; 24-hour service, 7 days a week, allows you to be attended any day, any time and any place, whenever you can and want.


Choose Your Schedule

Check out the options of professionals, members registered on the platform and choose one of them, according to the training and specialty you need. All professionals are licensed and authorized to provide online assistance.


Make a Payment

Choose the best payment method, which may be a credit card, bank slip or bank deposit, and wait for your appointment to be confirmed online.


Get Ready

Ready! Now all you have to do is wait for the specialist to contact you, who will be able to assist you via cell phone or computer, without queues and without taking traffic to go to the appointment.


Top Specialists A
Tap Away!

Non-Diagnose, treatments, to help fix your physical or mental health problems


Build A Healthier

Get a personalized treatment plan that you can trust.


Check Out, What Our Consumers Are Saying!

We’re fostering consumer relationships built on trust and transparency. Our consumers matter to us, so are their words. Look what they have to say about us!